Adventures AWAKE

A pithy little blog encouraging creative adventures of the Christian spirit

Wind farms and faith June 9, 2009

Driving through Kansas last week, we saw an almost surreal sight. All along I-70 for as far as we could see there was an endless forest of wind turbines. A wind farm of mammoth proportion. Massive in structure, synchronized in movement, these wind-whipping monoliths are other-worldly. Surveying the scene was like being dropped into a scene from War of the Worlds (as in, we humans are about to be taken over by some alien life form). Somewhere along the line, somebody noticed that this wild, midwestern countryside was a place where the wind could really howl. 

All this is in place because of the wind.

WindTurbines33In reality, these modern-day windmills have tremendous ability to generate power. Get this: In energy terms, a Tetra Watt (TW) is one TRILLION watts. The entire globe uses 15 TW each year. Wind power could be commercially harnessed to produce 72 TW of power annually. WOW! In light of our current world needs, the potential is little short of revolutionary. Apparently, Denmark clogs the tar out of us with this technology producing almost 20% of their energy this way.

More tidbits of wind technology: Turbines like the ones I saw along I-70 are three-bladed (coincidence with the Trinity? — you decide). As the wind changes, they are adjusted by computer to point into the wind. Their tips spin six times faster than the actual wind speed — making them exceptionally efficient and reliable. Each blade is somewhere between 65-130 feet long, each tower roughly 200-300 feet tall. An impressive sight, yet they’re intentionally painted gray so they vanish against the clouds. Blade angles can be remotely adjusted to collect the maximum amount of wind energy for the time of day and season.

Spiritually-speaking, most of us have trouble giving ourselves over to the whims of the wind. However with some deeper thought, I’ve decided that I want to be Denmark. By recognizing the wind of the Holy Spirit on the horizon, I want to be light-years ahead in my faith journey (and, if I can’t be Denmark, I’ll settle for Kansas — a wide-open spot where the wind can really blow). There’s no denying the prospects of profit. I yearn to be moved by the breeze (or the bellow) of God on a daily business; a weather vane of His activity — responding to turn with Him in directions that energize the lives of others. Each minute, I want His adjustments to make the most of every life season. By harnessing this potential in my own life, I can help the lives of those around me to love Jesus and light the world.


Want an adventure? Pause long enough today to notice the breeze. Which way is the wind coming from? — going to? Sit still for a minute and feel it brush by.

See yourself as a 300-foot turbine of faith. Blow people away by your quiet, consistent revolutions of Spirit. Through intentional prayer and meditation, put yourself in the path of the Holy Spirit’s wind — centering your day on which direction He is leading you. Once you get used to this way of being, life is a breeze. John 3:8