Adventures AWAKE

A pithy little blog encouraging creative adventures of the Christian spirit

Oh God, please… April 30, 2009

Filed under: Creative Christian Adventures & Encouragement — Amy Pierson @ 12:51 pm
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…please make me as creative as Evelein Lohbeck — in my own way, of course. AMEN.

(This is brilliant!)


Want an adventure? Imagine what your journal could look like, God-inspired. Using Psalm 18, 23, Isaiah 40:28-31, or another great image from Scripture, doodle a meditation. Draw the scene, draw an image of one aspect of the verse which you are particularly drawn to…it’s up to you. Go for it! Then, put it on the refrigerator or tape it to your mirror so you can reflect on in throughout the day.


Eat. Pray. Love. Create. April 29, 2009

Filed under: Creative Christian Adventures & Encouragement — Amy Pierson @ 4:16 pm

Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat, pray, love. What could possibly be wrong with this theology? If it truly reflects the Lord of All, I think it needs to include “create” on the list. So, even though I haven’t read Elizabeth Gilbert’s/Oprah’s Book Club choice, I love what she has to say about creativity — and the history of it — in this presentation. Don’t get all T.C. (Theologically Correct) on me — take it for what it’s worth. I have no doubt, it is inspired. All creativity is inspired. They don’t call him Creator of the Universe for nothing. So, listen to Gilbert’s words and praise the Creative (Holy) Spirit. Really! Praise Him! Nothing is more captivating than His art — whether in a child’s laugh or a mountain meadow, in computer code or on a chapel ceiling. Like gravity, the creative spirit applies to/lives through everyone whether they believe they have it or not. That is because of its Source — God. Enjoy this “excuse” to create, daily… 

Want an adventure? Think about how you express creativity in your own life. Watch this. Then, write out what resonates with you as it relates to your unique creative gift(s). Go make something.


Captain of a Teenage Starship April 28, 2009

Stardate 2009. star-trek-enterprise-tv-25Under supreme Starfleet Command, I am the captain of a teenage USS Enterprise. (Captain Kirk abandoned ship — he didn’t have the stomach for the g-forces). I have two teenage girls — closely spaced in age. Is there any adventure more daunting? At this point, I think not.

In our generally functional household, it is an everyday drama which hurdles through parallel universes of “who stole my headbands” and heartache on the way to its heavenly mission. Some days it is enough to suck all energy right out of the family atmosphere.

Let me be clear: I am not, nor have I ever been, a “trekkie”. But, I know just enough of the jargon that it seems like a fair analogy for parenting…especially for the weird adventure of motherhood.


So, here is the galaxy in which I orbit: It revolves around the teenage psyche. My husband and I make our eternal loops rocketing somewhere between awe of our blessed opportunity to mold/shape/interact with these alien teenage beings and the efforts to dodge the space junk that seems to constantly whiz by our heads (–that, and the gamma rays stealthily aimed at our hearts through the occasional galactic battle with pubescent wits and wills).

The recurrent evil plot in our universe lately seems to revolve around the ever-effective “it doesn’t matter what I do, I can never do anything right…so why try” excuse. Like a portal into another space and time, all rules are suspended when this defense is used. Gravity isn’t even certain, here. I mean, how do you argue with that? — or not argue, as the case may be. How do I convince my headstrong extraterrestrial that her incalculable God-given value, talents and efforts are appreciated — and yet, need correction from time to time? How do I show respect for her sometimes Martian-like ways while firmly re-establishing that no matter what she “feels like,” gravity does apply, some rules do need to be followed, Truth trumps tantrums? God is in the heavens. All is well. How not to alienate an alien?

I find myself frequently begging Star Command (that being God) for direction before I am sucked into the dark vortex of youthful emotion. I’m not always successful. (I think it’s because I keep getting distracted by updating my Starlogue). How did I get to this galaxy far, far away?…and more importantly, how do I get back?

Do you know what a black hole is? (Scientists speculate) it’s a gravitational field in space which is so strong that light cannot escape it. Inevitably, a new episode begins when my starship ventures too close to the edge of one, and because of emotion, life pressures, distraction — whatever — I get out of contact with Star Command.

The black hole for this captain/parent starts off in a cloud of how I’ve failed my crew, before traveling into the hopeless void of how little time I have left to strengthen them before they leave home. My ship then loses all power — embracing ultimate doom somewhere in the area of what a sorry example of Christ I am.

Typically –and thankfully–  this is when Star Command usually gets through to my failing frequency. Just as all hope fades, there IS light. Cutting through the dark with laser precision, the One who set the universe in motion readjusts my orbit, recalculates my flight path, and rights my course. I am reminded that

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows ~ James 1:17

My imperfect kids are a perfect gift sent from above for their imperfect mom. The Father of heavenly lights consistently uses everything as flight training. Black hole? What black hole?

Disengage! Disengage! Reverse thrust, Captain. Set course for home. Humbly, seek the Light. The battle is not against flesh and blood, remember that (she says to herself).

And I should listen to me. After all, I am the captain. LISTEN TO THE CAPTAIN!


Want an Adventure? Make space to remember the ultimate goal of your mission as  parent. Laugh about the “adventures of your starship.” Appreciate the assignment God’s given you. Find a way to gently and non-verbally affirm that with your kid(s) today. (If you don’t have kids, affirm the mission you see in someone who does. Trust me, they need it). Then, remind me why I’ll look back on this and laugh.


What’s NOT in a name April 27, 2009

Glad you found the new location of my blog. It leads perfectly into my post-du-jour.

Big question of the day: WHAT IS MY NAME?


Apparently, as some of you may have noticed on my previous site, my typing skills would indicate that my name is Amy Pieson. Sans “r”. Oops. Well, I thought: Since I had already posted my first blog entry, this must be God’s way of protecting me from cyberstalkers (you see, my daughter seems to have acquired one that now our whole family enjoys). I shared my wonderful insight with my more technically literate family and soon learned that the only person fooled by this “clever” hidden identity ploy/typo was me. IP addresses — and all they search — are traceable. (I already admitted my computer skills impairment, ok?) Each one of you who finds me here is a thread for the “enemy” to track my activity, my connections, my interests. His sick thrill is to unravel people. He especially savors attacking people in ministry, it seems. Surprised? No matter how clever I may think I am…I am ultimately vulnerable.amy-broadmoor-headshot1

So are you.

Is a post like this a taunt? No. To the contrary. This post is an admission. Let’s be real:  I — as well as everyone like me — am ultimately technically vulnerable. (Technically- in the strictest sense of the word. Officially. Exactly. In theory.) The respect I have for the opposition is for his prowess. I am not pure. Nonetheless, the reality is that no matter the lies spread or the venom spewed by my adversary, Truth is truth.

The enemy of my soul proves it as he exposes his game. He taunts, he lies, he spews and — I believe — he is narcissistically convinced of his own “noble” motives. Yet, it is often enough to get my attention. But then what? Believe? Who have I pledged my allegiance to anyway? — The King of Thieves? — The Prince of Lies? — The Angel of Death? — The Destroyer?

Too easy.

We are born losers…but redeemed winners. I am a BOGO for Jesus. (I need a bumper sticker). Buy One, Get One. He bought me, He gets me. I believe Him, I get His salvation. I get His vindication. I get His Truth. Life. Despite all reason to the contrary, my recognition of my imperfection is precisely what makes me “perfect” in His sight. Huh?! And, it’s not even my admission that does it: it is the acknowledgement of His Truth. No matter who I say — or present — that I am, He knows. He knows with feeling. With an “r” in my name or not, I am who I am. I know it. He knows it. And, He laid down His holy life to protect me. To promote me to His right hand.

So, what am I afraid of?


Want an adventure? Own who you are. Where do you feel vulnerable to the Enemy? (Satan sucks!) Journal about it. While you may feel overwhelmed by the science of his methods, the accusation(s) is powerless this side of the Cross. Dwell on that! Spend some time praising God for His re-creative grace in your life. That means: Sing, listen and insert His name into a love song, write about His goodness, tell someone about it, take a hike paying attention to His creation — whatever it takes to turn your thoughts to His good heart for you. Have a WONDER-full week living out who Christ says you are.


John 10:10 ~ The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.


Hello world! April 26, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Amy Pierson @ 4:12 pm

Welcome to the new location of Adventures AWAKE!

VISIT OFTEN & SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS. With a lot of interaction, I’m hoping to keep the site creatively energized and an adventure for us all.

To see earlier posts, you can check back on my previous site, . Look forward to connecting with your creative heart!