Adventures AWAKE

A pithy little blog encouraging creative adventures of the Christian spirit

Gathering of Leaders May 29, 2009

Filed under: Creative Christian Adventures & Encouragement — Amy Pierson @ 4:04 pm

Gathering of Leaders

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Time for a good day

watchI’m trying to get out of town so time is of the essence to me, right now. RIGHT NOW! But in all my rushing around, I’m reminded of two simple concepts surrounding the tick-tick-tick of my circumstance. There are two kinds of time:

Chronos- Quantity. Measurable and allocatable. I have the same amount of time (24 hours) in everyday as you do. And then there’s

Kairos- Quality. Value-based, frequently ego-driven. Kairos is the quantum intangible. This kind of time requires a conscious decision on my part to “make time for” what is important. And while some of my chronos needs to be strategically divvied up to get things done each day, kairos needs to enter in or my days will be a vapid waste of existence. What seems even more important to me today — as I make my last minute packing and “to-do” list, is to consider from a faith perspective how to make today “count” for someone other than just me. Like any other resource, I need to steward it. So what does that mean?

Some days — like this day — the reality is I am over committed. I am ridiculously pressed. Nonetheless, there are cracks of opportunity for the hours to reflect the kairos of God. And it is mainly the result of my God-graced perspective. Asking Him to show me the kairos in my chronos is the first step to a good day. What matters to You today, Lord? How do I love you above all in my Franklin-plannerized plight? Set my agenda aside — or at least beneath — Yours. There are a lot of good things to get done…but what is best? If I demote my “necessary” drivenness to second place, I may see the person who is making my car ready for the impending road war and my interaction with him will be mindful; if the grocery store becomes a place of God’s abundant provision, I will reflect peaceful gratitude rather than waiting in the world’s-longest-checkout-line-because-all-the-checkers-are-on-break with palpable annoyance.

I’ve heard it said that our check books and our planners are a good indicator of our god/God. As our planet gets more-and-more whacked, I believe the Spirit-led stewardship of our kairos will make all the difference. People need to see the change in us and the quality of our lives — not just our intellectual ascent to the concepts of faith. The world is waiting…

I’d love to spend more time on this, but I have an appointment…


Want an adventure? Suspend time. Go for the kairos in your chronos. At the beginning of the day, ask God to reset your watch…guarantee you will experience a fulfillment in your day because of it. At the end of the day, look back and measure how it changed the time.


The Carpenter May 27, 2009

Today I listened to Marshall Ganz, Harvard, Lecturer in Public Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and community organizer. If you want to get something done on a social-activist level, you need to hear what this guy has to say.

Among other things, Mr. Ganz pointed out the difference between a carpenter and a tool.premier-hammer


Well there’s a simple analogy that never crossed my mind, I thought.


Ganz was using it to point out effective leadership strategies to accomplish real change. He explained that tools don’t drive the building of a house, the carpenter does.


I took it down a little different road: Jesus. Literally. Jesus = carpenter. Jesus = Savior. Therefore, carpenter = Savior. Now, my people don’t build things…we pay people who do. So my technical knowledge on the topic is meager, at best. But what I do know is that to become a carpenter, it is common to serve as an apprentice for a few years. As a part of apprenticeship in Europe, it is common to travel to other countries in order to learn different building styles and techniques. That’s where the term “journeyman” comes from. The journey enhances their knowledge; it’s “real world.” I want to be one of those kind of apprentices.


The disciples got the concept of apprenticeship – they trained under Christ for His 3 years of ministry and, as a result, they took on his character and skills – something we can all do. Their personalities and abilities were humbled under Jesus’ training program.


The tools they brought into the workshop were their personalities, gifts and abilities. Peter’s type-A personality, Paul’s wanderlust and transformed compassion, James’ analytical mind all became tools in the Master Carpenter’s hand. Literally, they were foundational in building the framework of Christianity. They changed the world.


Jesus has a vision for what He wants to build but in order to accomplish it He needs you and me to apprentice. So, sign up…and bring your tools.


Want an adventure? Ask yourself: Am I really in the training program or just a tinkering hobbyist? Have I let my journey enhance my knowledge – or am I sticking too close to the safety of home? What tools do I have in my toolbox? What tools do I need to complete the project I’m called to do? What would it take to become a journeyman?


Getting the message May 26, 2009

“All great happenings, great and small, are parables whereby God speaks, the art of life is to get the message.”


~ Malcolm Muggeridge, British journalist


Want an adventure? Think about your day. What parables did you live? How did God speak to you today in great and small ways?


Buzz-kill May 25, 2009

My nephew graduated last week! Man, what a big deal to think this chubby cheeked darling has grown into a capable man ready to strike out on his own. Get ready Florida State! Since the big day life has been a series of parties, celebratory meals and fun. And, my daughter will follow in his footsteps in one short year! Time is so bizarre — one minute it barely creeps by (like the diaper stage), the next it’s sporting feather-weight track shoes (like the high school years).

As I listened to the commencement speakers I thought the same: On some levels life is so feather-weight. Fun, dancing in the lunchroom, sporting events, excitement, drama. As I watched the ceremony I noticed a distinct focus on the “believe in yourself,” “take the money off the table and make the most of it” speeches. All great sentiments. All sincere wishes for a wonderful future. Yet, I can’t help but feel they are a set-up. A distraction for the easily persuaded.eyes

Not to be the proverbial “buzz-kill” on the post grad party but, where does God fit in?

Yes, there is little that can stop us when we believe in who we are created to be. But without proper perspective of who we are in the grand scheme of things, our self-assessment becomes nothing more than an ego trip. Without adding purpose, these concepts can only lead to disillusionment. Here, I want the lead-weight of what lasts. The admonition needs to be: believe in yourself as God made you, take your money off the table and make the most of it for the Kingdom. As trite as it may sound, this tweek of perspective changes everything. Adding the lense of the eternal changes my character, my ambition, my estimate of success…truly, it has the capacity to change the world.

1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

~ Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11



Want an adventure? Add the “lense of the eternal” to your plans today. Looking at what you have to do on your schedule, how can you use your day to build God’s Kingdom?


Dirty dishing with God May 22, 2009

Filed under: Creative Christian Adventures & Encouragement — Amy Pierson @ 11:55 am

dishes hammertime

Thought a spoonful of comedic sugar may help this go down:

Matthew 23:23-26 (MSG)

23-24“You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You keep meticulous account books, tithing on every nickel and dime you get, but on the meat of God’s Law, things like fairness and compassion and commitment—the absolute basics!—you carelessly take it or leave it. Careful bookkeeping is commendable, but the basics are required. Do you have any idea how silly you look, writing a life story that’s wrong from start to finish, nitpicking over commas and semicolons?

25-26“You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, while the insides are maggoty with your greed and gluttony. Stupid Pharisee! Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.


Want an adventure? God knows where all the dirt sticks in your life. So, where is that? Be real about what needs to get broken. Break your life dishes before Him. (Sounds much easier than the traditional religious method — eh?) Start over. Let the Master Potter set the table with His best everyday. Rest in the basics: You. God. His voice.


Eyes open May 21, 2009

Filed under: Creative Christian Adventures & Encouragement — Amy Pierson @ 10:47 pm

“One life totally devoted to God is worth 100 merely awakened by His spirit.”

~ Oswald Chambers


Want an adventure? Think about it.


A wish and a prayer May 20, 2009

Prayer is an art. To find the balance of it is grace.

Do I realize who I’m talking to? Do I let Him get a word in edge-wise? Do I ask too much? — not enough? My prayer-life is ongoing — which is good! I take God out the door with me, talking to Him throughout the day. But if I’m honest, I’ve recently come to realize  that’s not enough for me or for Him. I must admit, I’ve been here before but confession heals the soul — right? If I want depth in my spiritual life, I need time with The Spirit. It’s time to take time.wishes-dandylion

Have you ever considered the difference between a wish and a prayer? That is the crux of what has frustrated me lately; I’ve realized that my prayers have drifted into a state of ineffect because of my own laziness. When I pray, I’ve really been wishing. Wishes still leave me with a burden, I find.

I read somewhere recently that if I’m praying with worldly expectations — if I my prayers are to enhance my five senses or my intellect — then they are prayers of worldly expectation. Those prayers can sometimes result in good things but typically don’t lead to lasting spiritual growth. Think again about the concept of having a wish answered. It’s the difference between praying a prayer like, “God please heal me of this pain,” and “God, I know you love me. Help me to see you in this, to learn from this experience. I’ve done all I can and surrender now to you.” See the difference? It’s about the attitude I have — the posture I take.

It seems so simple. And, it is! What’s tough is keeping my mind alert enough — not taking the privilege of prayer so lightly — that I keep myself and my wants in perspective compared to God and His plans. Beyond that, I need to carve out purposeful time to listen and rest in His response. Simple but not easy.

…I wish it were easy.


Want an adventure? Stop. Make a list of your prayer needs. Have you been wishing or praying for these things? Now, pray. Rest in His good plan for you.


Holly Hobbieland and the fence of doom May 19, 2009

Filed under: Creative Christian Adventures & Encouragement — Amy Pierson @ 2:02 pm

A friend of mine calls our neighborhood “flippin’ Holly Hobbieland” — usually with a great amount of disdain (if you’re old enough, you may remember the syrupy-sweet cartoon neighborhood of sunshine, rainbows, and cute cuddly animals of all kinds). You see, unlike me, my friend is a real gardener and real gardeners hate bunnies. They are the destructive nemesis of all horticultural enthusiasts — and in this part of town we have bazillions of the little fluff balls.

We have a deck in our backyard. Slightly raised in some parts, this deck is Switzerland for rabbits — the perfect bunny haven. When you look across our backyard landscape and see a sweet, tea cup-size baby bunny peacefully nibbling a blade of grass, to me it represents peace, innocense, warmth and purity — all that is right with the world.

Enter  our two loving numb-skull Labradors…also arch-rivals of the domestic rabbit. If the dogs see a bunny “on their turf” they will paw and moan at our sliding glass door until someone let’s them out to teach the furry taunters a lesson. That lesson usually involves a speedy chase, and a bark or two to in order to vanquish the territory. My youngest daughter — the kindest of us all — can never let them out without first giving the bunnies a verbal warning: “Look out, bun-buns…the doggies are coming.” With that the door is flung open, and the ferocious canines leap off the porch in pursuit and finding nothing in the yard, soon lie down to nap in the sun.

Except for one time.BUNNIES

I was working on my back porch and the dogs were —  not surprisingly — napping nearby when a foolish bunny rabbit estimated that the coast was clear for a mid-afternoon munch. He wasn’t a total hare-brain. He chose a spot in the far corner of the yard. At some point, dog #1 spotted the rabbit and casually, quietly alerted dog #2.  After a patient and stealth-like period strategizing, the pursuit began. They both bolted off the porch — the chase was on. They streaked around the perimeter of the yard, ducking bushes and low branches until — whack! — the bunny ran headfirst into the fence, knocking himself out cold. That’s when dog #1 pounced on her prey and picking it up in her mouth, shook it back and forth a couple of times. By then, I was no longer engrossed in the chase and realized that I needed to save yon bun-bun so I leaped to his aid and demanded that the dog drop the bunny. And she did. Looking somewhat glassy-eyed — almost stunned by her bad behavior — the dog dropped the bunny and looked up at me as if to say, “Do you know CPR?” Sadly, I was a little too late for rabbit rescue.

(Not to equate my sweet dogs with the devil but) Satan is a numbskull, too. His plans are flawed. His strategies are so predictable it’s amazing he can ever catch me. Nonetheless, he sets the trap and as soon as I step into it — which I seem to do more often than I care to admit– he leaps off the porch after my very life. Why don’t I see his strategy? — Perhaps, because I’m distracted by the delicious fare before me. — Or, because I think I’m clever and have positioned myself just out of his reach when really I should have stayed out of the yard all together. It’s not like he’s clever! He’s a dog.

And then there’s me…running headfirst into a fence.


Rascal 06

Want an adventure? In what areas have you felt consistent or recurring defeat and/or attack (for example: finances, health, lust, greed, relationship struggles, etc.). Are there emotional or behavioral patterns that you recognize in your life leading up to these situations? Does this make you feel discouraged or empowered in your faith? Knowing that “the dog is in the yard,” how can y0u stay alert for these predictable traps? Consider I Peter 5:8. Don’t be a dumb bunny.

Lacrosse dog- Jazz 06


Garden Thorns May 18, 2009

crownofthornsThis week I began the ritual of planting my summer flowers — most in pots, some in the ground. Early in the venture, somehow a little thorn managed  to needle its way into my garden glove — right into the side of my thumb. I pulled off my glove, did my best to extract the menacing barb and then went back to my gardening. Apparently, though, I didn’t get the entire thorn out so from then on every move I made with my left hand I’d get a painful and itchy stab. After enough of this irritation, I hung up my spade for the day — deciding to finish the project later.

I am a wimp!

So anyway, it got me thinking: I can’t handle one microscopic thorn. What would a crown of them have been like? With the Easter season quickly fading in my rearview mirror, here is what I learned:

In the Bible, thorns represent both natural and spiritual enemies. The sin of the world. It was part of the original curse in Genesis 3, represented Israel’s enemies in various passages of the Old Testament, and used to describe Paul’s recurring fleshly nuisance in 2 Corinthians 12. This is what crowned Christ’s precious head.euphorbiamilii_3_23_08_b

Most likely the crown of thorns was made from a plant called Euphorbia Milii. At some point the plant — with its flexible but tough stems and half-inch long sturdy thorns — was brought from the Madagascar to Israel. It’s milky white sap is known to cause severe blisters as well as intense pain to open sores and/or eyes. On top of all that, the plant is so toxic that it can’t be planted near water pools without poisoning the water. OK — I thought — driving a crown of thorns on His brow wasn’t enough? They had to be poison thorns? I can’t even handle a little lemon juice in a paper cut! Poison, blistering thorns?!

My final thought on thorns is that  just as I did in my garden, I would have quit WAY before their pin-like points dug into my scalp…probably when I started sweating blood in Gethsemane, is my guess. I would have headed North. No WAY would I have made it to the scourging, passed the test of carrying my cross beam up the Jerusalem hillside. No WAY would I have been able to lay myself down for the nailing part. A man-made thorn pounded through each limb… NO WAY! And, at the very least, when they offered me the sponge with the gall (pain-killing drug and wine), you can bet I would have sucked it dry! Every step of the way, where I wouldn’t and couldn’t, Christ did. Finished.

Which reminds me: No excuses. I’d better go finish my garden.


Want an adventure? Go find a thorn — in your yard, in the floral department, wherever. Study it, feel it. Put some pressure into its barb. Spend some time thinking about 1) all Jesus endured; 2) all He did through the cross — everything you have NO WAY to accomplish alone. Start the week with a spirit of gratitude fresh in your heart. And to think, we are his crown! Tend the garden of your heart well!